Isabel’s Blog #7: Algae is Nature’s Perfect Skin Saver

#7: Algae is Nature's Perfect Skin Saver

My first introduction to amazing looking skin was through products that contained algae. It was a truly great discovery that has benefited me for the past 30 years. These precious plants from the sea absorb the same concentration of the minerals and essential elements that our bodies need to survive, thrive and look youthful.

Algae offers long lasting benefits so skin can be resilient, look fresh and toned. Up to that point I had always taken an interest in skin care but did not understand how much the health and vitality of skin cells determined the beauty of the skin surface. I learned about the use of Phytotherapy (both land and sea plants), in skin care products which contributed greatly to my knowledge of skin and body care. This set me on my lifelong “beauty through health” journey.

It is so easy to use products (cleansers, moisturizers, toners, etc.) with these skin saving ingredients in our daily lives. Same amount of time spent with a much higher return. The body gets a daily boost of anti-oxidants, amino acids, and essential nutrients to feed and protect the immune system.

The richest concentration of minerals are found in Laminaria algae. It is a perfect ingredient due to its amazing ability to hydrate, tone and firm the skin.

When I was developing our ZONE products, we wanted to make sure to offer the restorative powers contained in algae. Keeping the physical state healthy translates to mental and emotional well-being. Balanced phytotherapy products are a quick easy way to maintain optimum health and youthful appearance.

Here is the ZONE algae collection:

Some of the ways Algae slow the signs of aging and benefit skin include:

  • Provide optimum nutrition and natural detoxification at the same time.
  • Protect the cells from outside aggressors such as free radicals and polutants.
  • Cleanse the cells and draw out toxins to make room for incoming nutrients.
  • Deliver antioxidants and DNA repairing enzymes that work tirelessly to heal and beautify.

Adding seaweed (which is a type of algae) to one's diet fortifies the cells and flushes out impurities.


If skin care products and their powerful ingredients are unable to penetrate the deeper layers of the skin, then their benefits are limited. That is one of the reasons why algae is so special! Since the chemical composition of algae is similar to blood plasma (and the lymph). The body recognizes it as a “like substance” and draws it deep into the cells. At HZW we blended alage with land plants to create potent formulas for treatments and home care.

Nature has blessed the planet with what we need for healthy living. There is a vast assortment of sea plants (over 12,000 types identified today) and many of them have specific properties to heal and correct.

Below are several benefits of products containing algae:

  • Smooth, tone and tighten skin
  • Rinse clean to keep pores clear
  • Add glow to skin
  • Exfoliate, refine and polish the surface
  • Good for all skin types
  • Enhance product absorption
  • Combine well with other ingredients
  • Balance internal body systems
  • Shield the cells from radiation and pollution
  • Slim and improve body contours

All algae used in ZONE face and body products is food-grade and harvested under pristine, sustainable conditions. For more information on our ZONE products, please visit the AESTHETIC ZONE.

Be well,

Isabel Dassinger



“Algae is Nature’s Perfect Skin Saver”

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