Isabel’s Blog #4: Introduction to Oxygen Skin Serums

Isabel's Blog #4: Introduction to Oxygen Serums

The formulas in today’s skincare products are incredible. They can preserve the longevity of skin and treat varied skin conditions in a very effective way. Ingredients that include peptides, hyaluronic acid, seaweed, essential oils, niacinamide, collagen, plants, resveratrol are all included in the fabulous assortment of today’s skin care products.

These ingredients are often contained in molecules that are too large to be absorbed by skin. However, when combined with an ideal carrier that can provide easy access to the cells, such as liquid oxygen and/or algae, amazing benefits to the skin can be assimilated.

Science has shown that the health and youthful appearance of skin is directly connected to the strength and vitality of cells. The ability to receive nutrients through the blood and eliminate toxins through the lymph is the simple in and out process for beautiful skin.

Everyday stress greatly contributes to the wear and tear of the skin. The result is inflammation, dryness, eczema, acne and other skin reaction conditions. Nerves play a part in all of these. When stress reducing - nerve calming ingredients are combined into skincare products the wellness benefits are doubly beneficial.

The connection between stress and inflammation opens the door for wellness solutions focused on physical and emotional relief. This concept has been adopted by the beauty industry through a swell of products aimed to combat inflammation while promoting self-care and relaxation.


"22% of U.S. adults rank mental wellness as their number one goal."


Thankfully we have Liquid Oxygen, a product amplifier that penetrates deep in the skin to nourish the nerve cells and subsequently alleviate stress. It's a powerful base ingredient and carrier that can increase the effectiveness of skin care products.

Below are the findings of a recent study on generational differences of factors affecting facial appearance:

Here are just some of the skin-related benefits of using Liquid Oxygen:

Anti-inflammatory and works to repair DNA of cell core

Combats environmental aging factors and brightens skin

Speeds healing after more invasive procedures

Supplies essential mineral and trace elements

Decongests pores and enhances penetration of products

Oxygen and other antioxidants counter the release daily of free radicals

Anti-bacterial agent that allows for effective correction of acne

I have always loved the powerful benefits of Liquid Oxygen for cell renewal and stress relief. The skin gets most of its oxygen from air and inner skin levels receive oxygen mainly from blood. Over a lifespan capillaries diminish in strength, and then sluggish circulation interferes with the nourishing of cells. Maintaining that internal balance relaxes nerves in the skin which then helps to decrease stress levels. This is a big part of HZW's approach to skin care.


ZONE OXYGEN INFUSIONS keep gaining popularity with anti-aging facials as well as acne and rosacea correction treatments. Med-spas performing ablative skin treatments like laser resurfacing, micro-needling, injectables and aggressive peels are also using Liquid Oxygen. Its use can help to dramatically reduce healing time with the added benefit of being non-irritating.

Each ZONE serum contains Liquid Oxygen, which acts as a replica of hemoglobin (protein responsible for transporting oxygen in the blood). Hemoglobin feeds the cellular respiration necessary for flooding oxygen into connective tissue while washing away carbon dioxide. Since Liquid Oxygen is inert, it does not create damaging free radicals. The advanced ZONE skin care formula featured in ZONE OXYGEN INFUSIONS blends Liquid Oxygen with natural anti-aging peptides, antioxidants, enzymes and other key ingredients.

Below is the ZONE OXYGEN INFUSION collection...





The goal of HZW is to deliver the best resources to help people worldwide enjoy healthy, ageless skin - and hopefully smiles as well.

Be well,

Isabel Dassinger



“Introduction to Oxygen Skin Serums”

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