Isabel’s Blog #3: Power Cupping is Modern Technology with Ancient Roots

#3: Power Cupping is Modern Technology with Ancient Roots

When most people think about “cupping therapy” they probably picture something like the image below:

However, cupping therapy is now so much more. This includes the collection of POWER CUPPING systems available at HZW.

As an ancient healing therapy, cupping started over 2,000 years ago! It supposedly originated in China, then migrated to Egypt, and was subsequently adopted by several European countries as well. The special healing ability of cupping became renowned across the world.

Some of the first cupping tools used were hollow horns, bamboo, pieces of wood and even bone. They would be applied to the area of physical distress, heated and then pulled from the spot to create a quick and forceful dispersion of energy. Blood and oxygen would flow into the area and stimulate the body’s own healing response. Cupping was also used in sacred rituals because practitioners thought they were pulling the illness out of the body.

I am fascinated by ancient healing therapies that merged with modern, aesthetic technology. The adaptability of the old combined with the innovativeness of the new, and POWER CUPPING systems best represent this fusion.

Here is the collection:

I made the below diagram to help convey the amazing wellness and beauty benefits of POWER CUPPING -- see which ones relate best to you!

Elite athletes like Michael Phelps, and celebrities like Gwyneth Paltrow and Jennifer Anniston have been very open about the benefits they've received from cupping. Now fueled with that A-level attention, cupping is growing in popularity.

POWER CUPPING has brought this timeless healing therapy to a new level. For famous people constantly in the spotlight, I imagine they'd love cupping even more if they found out about the incredible equipment systems offering non-bruising properties.

Throughout my 30+ years working in beauty and holistic wellness I consistently saw how important it is to make sure the systems of the body are always flowing properly. Internal stagnation is a common every day challenge for us all, and additional stressors like anxiety, lack of exercise, restless sleep and diet all contribute. Basic inflammation interrupts the healthy intercellular signals that tell the body how to function.

My company, HEALING ZONE WORLD recognizes the intrinsic link between beauty and wellness -- and the impact of inflammation on both. For many years at my healing center, I worked with Dr. S.W. Flowers who blends traditional allopathic and Eastern medicine. One way or another, inflammation was involved to some degree. Flowers explained that the Extracellular Matrix (ECM) is the key body system that protects cells and their inner pathways throughout the body. Keeping the connective tissue clear of stagnation, and functioning optimally, is essential for good health and longevity. When the ECM is operating slow (usually related to the lymph system), the impact is felt throughout the body mentally, physically and emotionally.

Power Cupping is extremely effective at stretching the connective tissue which clears and removes blockage. That is one the main reasons why I was so impressed with Power Cupping systems. It is a non-invasive, time-tested method for working directly on the lymphatic system. It was something I had not seen before, and now I am the biggest proponent of its positive effects on beauty, health and behavior.

In a recent article, renowned cardiac surgeon and author, Dr. Gerald M. Lemole, said it best:


“The lymph system is the river of life...and the longer toxins and metabolites linger in the lymph fluid, the more potential there is for inflammation. And inflammation is what we need to avoid to promote our health."


What is the Extracellular Matrix (ECM)?

The Extracellular Matrix (ECM) is in effect a filter system which sits around blood vessels, nerves and cells. It is the fluid that surrounds them and acts as the "filter" of all products going in or out of the cells. With congestion – the “eco-system” of the ECM becomes contaminated with toxins which then blocks the filter system. This disruption then increases the chance of physical, mental and/or emotional health issues. When the ECM is compromised, mental fog and stress are sure to follow.

For example - the ECM is where cellulite develops due to the build up of cellular congestion. In aesthetics, trapped toxins need to be flushed out. If not, it can be develop into fluid pockets on the inner knees, upper hips, upper arms, etc.

POWER CUPPING features modern technology that unblocks the "clogged eco-system of the ECM" with its suction-and-pushing effect. By relieving internal stagnation, the body's circulation improves along with the flow of oxygen and cleansing systems.

Be well,

Isabel Dassinger



“Power Cupping is Modern Technology with Ancient Roots”

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